


Placement Strategy: The strategy that is used to place those people whom you personally introduce to the Vemma opportunity. These people are called your Personally Enrolled Qualifiers. Please note that all placement strategies shown only build your outside teams. To build your inside teams, please use the Genealogy Tool by clicking on the first available position at the bottom of each team in your organization.

Power Leg: This strategy places all new personal enrollees in your power or strong leg. Strong leg is defined as the leg that has the highest amount of volume at the exact time that the sign up is processed. This strategy is the default strategy for people who enrolled in Vemma.

1L, 1R, Profit: This strategy places the first person who you personally enroll on the outside left, the second on the outside right and everyone after that into your profit leg or weak leg. Please note that the profit or weak leg is the leg that has the least amount of volume at the exact time of signup.

Profit Leg: This strategy will place all new personal enrollees in your profit or weak leg. Weak leg is defined as the leg that has the least amount of volume at the exact time that the sign up is processed.

Left: This strategy will place all new personal enrollees in your outside left team.

Right: This strategy will place all new personal enrollees in your outside right team.

Balanced: This strategy will equalize your right and left legs using the number of sales on each side at the exact time of sign-up. For example, if you have twenty-five (25) sales in the right team and thirteen (13) in the left, the next twelve (12) new sign ups will go into the left team. If both teams are equal, the new person will go into the left team.




我發誓!! VEMMA真的不一樣~~~~!輕鬆加盟三步驟: 

2.仔細看 E-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾 



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